Perfil do consumidor de vinhos em Lages – Santa Catarina




Red wine., Geographical indication., Market research., Wine marketing.


It is important to identify and define different prospective buyer profiles and then establish bid strategies that are compatible with them. In this context, market segmentation is one of the main applications. The objective of this paper is to analyze consumers of wines and sparkling wines profiles, in Lages, Santa Catarina. The present work has an exploratory and descriptive character, which has as research sample 150 wine consumers from Lages/SC, who have a habit of regularly consuming wines. The questionnaires were applied from March to July 2017. With the realization of this work it was possible to characterize the wine consumer in Lages, and this information is relevant to market strategies, seeking to increase the marketing and consumption of wines. There was a regular consumption of wines among the interviewed consumers, with red wine being the most consumed style among consumers, having as main factors in choosing a wine the price, grape variety, advice from friends and promotion. The origin of the wine has great importance, being characterized mainly by the country it is from, region of origin and the winery. For consumers interviewed, the geographical indication is a guarantee of quality, and a guarantee of the place and method of preparation, and consumers are willing to pay a higher price for a wine that has a geographical indication.


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Author Biographies

Douglas André Würz, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC)

Marcus Vinícius Pereira Outemane, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)


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How to Cite

Würz, D. A., & Outemane, M. V. P. (2021). Perfil do consumidor de vinhos em Lages – Santa Catarina . Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 7(1), 103–110.

