Preliminary characterization of the zooplankton community at bromeliad phytotelmata, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil




Zooplankton., Bromeliaceae., Ecology., Biodiversity.


Bromeliads, because of their morphological characteristics, are capable of providing microhabitats to several forms of life, in which zooplanktonic organisms stand out. This way, this study aimed to describe the zooplankton community found in bromeliads in a natural region of Atlantic forest. Limnological variables were measured in situ, and zooplankton samples were collected using specific tools and being subsequently analyzed using an optical microscope. The most representative taxa found were the protists of the groups Cryptophyta and Ciliophora. The greater richness found were of rotifers, which is probably related to the high values ​​of abundance of ciliates and flagellates, that are booth food to the first. It was also possible to observe the faunistic interactions that exists in this habitat, having as an example, the mechanism of hyperforesy. Finally, due to the variety of zooplankton taxa found, the idea that this environment behaves specifically as a breeding ground for disease vectors is demystified. 


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Silva SAMPAIO, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Yemna Gomes da SILVA, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Julia de Morais FARIAS, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Beatriz Rodrigues D'Oliveira RAMOS, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Yasmin de Góes Cohn FREITAS, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Christina Wyss Castelo BRANCO, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)

Viviane Bernardes dos Santos MIRANDA, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)


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How to Cite

SAMPAIO, G. S., SILVA, Y. G. da ., FARIAS, J. de M., RAMOS, B. R. D., FREITAS, Y. de G. C. ., BRANCO, C. W. C., & MIRANDA, V. B. dos S. (2021). Preliminary characterization of the zooplankton community at bromeliad phytotelmata, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 7(1), 82–92.

