Physicochemical characteristics of Myrcianthes pungens (O.Berg ) D. Legrand fruits




Guabijuzeiro, germplasm, conservation, biometry, native fruit tree.


The guabijuzeiro produces fruits that have potential for commercial exploitation, but few studies have been conducted. The objective of this work was to characterize fruits of guabiju trees collected in different places in Rio Grande do Sul. The fruits of 13 accessions were evaluated, in two harvests, for fresh mass (MF), longitudinal (DL) and equatorial diameter (DE), color, pulp yield (RP), total soluble solids (SS), total acidity (TA) and vitamin C. In the first harvest, G1 accession stood out in MF (6.89 g), DL (19.4 mm) and DE (22.3 mm); in the second harvest, the best results for MF were obtained with accessions P1 (4.93 g) and BG2 (4.80 g), for DL with accessions P1 (17.86 mm) and BG2 (17.40 mm) and DE with accessions BG2 (20.25 mm) and P1 (20.17 mm), while for the RP, the averages were 53.18 and 53.0%, in the first and second harvests, respectively. The predominant color of the bark was gray. The SS content averaged 15.8 and 15.1 °Brix in the first and second harvests, respectively. For AT, the averages were 0.15% and 0.18%, in the first and second harvests, respectively. For the SS/AT ratios, the averages were 108 and 91, in the first and second harvests, respectively. For the levels of Vitamin C, accession G1 stood out in both evaluations, the first harvest (42.3 mg/100 g of pulp) and the second harvest (41.9 mg/100 g of pulp). Therefore, some accessions have the potential to be propagated for use in collections and genetic improvement programs.


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How to Cite

Veit, P. A. ., Schwarz , S. F. ., Guerra, D., Simioni, C. . ., & Pezzi, E. . (2023). Physicochemical characteristics of Myrcianthes pungens (O.Berg ) D. Legrand fruits. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 9(2), 63–73.

