Crop characteristics, effects of sowing time and density on buckwheat grain yield




Alternative, roof, fagopyrum esculentum Moench, rotation, tatarka.


Buckwheat is a rustic annual herbaceous plant, with a short cycle, which produces grains, being used as a cover crop in several regions of the country, in crop rotation, helping to reduce the population of nematodes and also to improve the characteristics of the soil. only. In the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), the use of this crop has been growing every year, however there is still a lack of information on the characteristics of the crop's development, sowing densities and adequate times. Thus, the objective of this work was to present characteristics of crop development, to analyze the productivity and weight of a thousand grains of wheat sown in two times and five different densities in the municipality of Santo Augusto, Rio Grande do Sul. The results indicated that the crop presents characteristics of development with a rustic structure and a long period of flowering, and the first sowing season presented better productivity indexes and, the density of 120 Kg of seeds per hectare, was the one that evolved in greater production. Therefore, earlier sowing with higher seed density increases the grain yield potential of the crop, developing it to be started with the predecessor crop.


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How to Cite

Gustavo Figueiró, A., Leandro Felipim Ferrazza, F., & Tadeu Paraginski, R. (2023). Crop characteristics, effects of sowing time and density on buckwheat grain yield. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 9(3), 205–211.

