The influence of the academic literacies model for teacher education




Academic literacies, Teacher training, Teacher identity, Engagement.


The present study aims to investigate and discuss the impacts of the academic literacies model on the initial training of pedagogues, academics of the Pedagogy course at a public university in the rural town of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The competences development from the perspective of the academic life's demands related to other factors in addition to the technical-scientific domain and socialization, mobilizing senses and relationships of identity and power, including the formation of a teaching identity. Under a qualitative approach; as for its objectives, the study is part of an applied research. Methodologically, it uses the content analysis technique, guided by the exploration of data, inference and interpretation of the participants' statements. The results indicate that, among other aspects, engagement is build from the insertion in diversified practices in situated contexts, which potentiate meanings and subjectivities. It was possible to identify the significant power of the different modes of interaction with academic practices for the improvement of relevant literacies in the face of experiences at the university and the performance of the future pedagogue.


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How to Cite

GOULART, C. C., & Camargo da Silva, V. (2023). The influence of the academic literacies model for teacher education. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 9(1), 3–9.



N. Especial Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023