Nuclear energy: an opinion on its relationship with sustainability




Nuclear energy, review, sustainability.


With the objective of analyzing and presenting through bibliographies the environmental aspects of the use of nuclear energy as an energy matrix and presenting the author's opinion based on these, this article was written taking into consideration the concept of nuclear energy and operation of a power plant, environmental aspects, safety and monitoring, environmental licensing, waste and a comparison with other energy generating units. In view of the challenge of reducing global atmospheric emissions and at the same time ensuring that the growth in world energy demand is met, nuclear energy has the potential to diversify the global energy matrix. The isolated use of traditional energies already developed such as oil, coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, biomass and wind energy are widely used and produce energy, but on the other hand, they impact the planet through the emission of greenhouse gases, contaminants, occupation of large areas and other environmental impacts caused by its operation. As the global challenge is meeting objective Nº 7, sustainable development, , established by the United Nations (UN), which aims to reduce atmospheric emissions and ensure access to renewable and sustainable energy, nuclear energy presents itself as a clean tool diversification of the global energy matrix, but it should not be seen as the only solution to a country's energy problems, but should be part of a diverse energy production program together with the production and use of other renewable energy sources, such as wind and biomass.


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How to Cite

Immich, V., Hart Weber, F. ., Estêvão Classen, B. ., Sippert Lanzanova, L., & Enivar Lanzanova, M. (2023). Nuclear energy: an opinion on its relationship with sustainability. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 9(2), 143–153.

