Rejuvenation pruning in a pecan orchard in southern Brazil
Carya illinoinensis, pruning intensity, production, quality.Abstract
This study aimed at evaluating pruning intensities as a rejuvenation method applied to a pecan orchard in order to improve fruit production and quality. The experiment was carried out in a 40-year-old orchard which had not been subject to any management in Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil. It was conducted in both 2015/16 and 2016/17 seasons. Treatments consisted in carrying out light pruning (60 kg of limb removal), hard pruning (180 kg of limb removal) and no pruning. The experiment had a randomized block design in a factorial scheme (pruning intensity x season). Variables under analysis were production per plant, number of fruit, mean fruit mass, mean kernel mass, mean shell mass, fruit diameter, fruit length and kernel yield. Results showed that there was difference between factors related to production per plant and number of fruit. Hard pruning not only led to 4-fold increase in crops but also increased fruit and shell masses. The highest kernel percentage was found after light pruning in the second season. Hard pruning led to increase in production in the following year. Thus, hard pruning showed to be the intensity recommended for pecan orchard rejuvenation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maurício Gonçalves Bilharva, Cristiano Geremias Hellwig, Rafaela Schmidt de Souza, Priscila da Silva Lucio, Marcelo Barbosa Martins, Carlos Roberto Martins

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