ISSN: 2448-0479
Citações (Google Scholar Metrics): 896
H-Index (Google Scholar Metrics): 12
Qualis B4
Main title - only the first letter of the first word capitalized: subtitle in lowercase (Arial font, 16, bold, 1.5 spacing)
Full name of the author(s) (Arial, 9, bold, italic, 1.5 spacing)
Institution affiliation, written out in full with the abbreviation in parentheses (Arial, 9)
Email address, link to ORCID (Arial, 9)
Author 1's Full Name
Institution Affiliation
Email: email, ORCID link
Author 2's Full Name
Institution Affiliation
Email: email, ORCID link
Author 3's Full Name
Institution Affiliation
Email: email, ORCID link
For journal use: Submitted on: 20 Feb. 2024. Accepted: xx Aug. 20xx.
For journal use: DOI:
Resumo (Abstract in Portuguese, Arial, 12, 1.5 spacing)
The abstract indicates the main points, specifying the purposes, methodology, results, and conclusions of the document. It should be typed as a single block, without paragraphs. The text should be justified. It must not exceed 250 words, be written in Arial, size 10, with 1.5 spacing. Italics should only be used for scientific names or foreign language terms. The abstract should succinctly include the Introduction, Rationale, General Objective, Materials and Methods (or Methodology), Discussion of Results, and Final Considerations or Conclusions. The abstract text, besides being included here in the Word document, should be copied, and pasted into the “Abstract” field in the submission system under section 3 - Data submission. All authors should be added in section 3 - Data submission under the “Co-author list” field. For each author, the following information should also be provided: affiliations (Institution of affiliation), email, degree with the full name of each author.
Keywords: word one; word two; word three. (Arial, 10, regular)
Insert 3 to 5 words; separated by semicolons; and the last one with a full stop.
Only proper nouns are capitalized.
Examples of Keywords: pregnancy; prenatal care; Aedes aegypti; IBGE; Brazil.
Abstract (Arial, 12, bold, 1.5 spacing)
Title in English (Arial, 12, bold)
Include a version of the abstract in English. The abstract should be typed as a single paragraph. The responsibility for language correction and revision lies with the authors. (Arial, 10)
Keywords: Translate the keywords to English and use the same format. (Arial, 10)
Resumen (Abstract in Spanish) (Arial, 12, bold, 1.5 spacing)
Title in Spanish (Arial, 12, bold)
Include a version of the abstract in Spanish. The abstract should be typed as a single paragraph. The responsibility for language correction and revision lies with the authors. (Arial, 10)
Palabras clave: Translate the keywords to Spanish and use the same format. (Arial, 10)
Introduction (Arial, 14, bold, 1.5 spacing)
The introduction should present the theme, problem, objectives, and rationale. The article should be submitted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format, on A4 paper, with top and left margins of 3 cm and bottom and right margins of 2 cm. At the time of submission, follow this tutorial.
Primary titles should be written in Arial 14, bold, with only the first letter of the title capitalized. The body of the text should be written in Arial 10, regular, justified alignment, and 1.5 spacing.
Material and methods (Arial, 14, bold, 1.5 spacing)
The materials and methods section should succinctly and clearly describe how the work was carried out. (Arial, 10, regular)
At the authors' discretion, subsections may be included. Do not use progressive numbering for titles and subtitles! Subsection titles should be written in Arial, 12, bold, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized.
For studies involving humans, animals, or genetic manipulation, authors must indicate the ethical aspects of the research in this section, with approval from the Institutional Research Ethics Committee, in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (
Subsection title (Arial, 12, bold)
Do not use progressive numbering for titles and subtitles! Citations should follow the standard adopted by the Journal. Examples of citations and references are available at this link.
Discussions (Arial, 14, bold)
Do not use progressive numbering for titles and subtitles! Citations should follow the standard adopted by the Journal. Examples of citations and references are available at this link.
Presentation of illustrations
Illustrations should follow the standard adopted by the Journal. The title appears at the TOP of the image preceded by the word that designates it (Drawing, Figure, Flowchart, Chart, etc.), followed by the Arabic numeral, according to the order of occurrence in the text and the respective title. The title should be in a smaller font than the text, justified, with single line spacing.
The authorship information of the illustration should also be in a smaller font than the text, containing the information “Source:” followed by the source information. If the illustration is from other authors, it should be: “Source: Garcia, Guerra, and Castro (2024, p. 21)”. If it was adapted from other authors, use: “Source: Adapted from Garcia (2024)”. When the illustration was created by the authors of the submission, use: “Source: Castro (2020)”.
Regarding charts, they should have all borders closed, the body should be in Arial 10, single line spacing, without spacing before and after the paragraph, with alignment to make the content of the table understandable. The window should be auto-adjusted. It is noteworthy that charts contain only text.
Table 1 (Arial, 9, bold) – Main activities of the journal editors (Arial, 9, regular)
Descrição de atividades A (Arial, 10) |
Descrição de atividades B |
Editores executivos: (espaço simples) Revisão textual Revisão de formatação Linguagem e nível de escrita Encaminhamento de artigos para avaliadores |
Editores adjuntos: Decisões políticas Atualização em conhecimentos editoriais Orientações aos editores executivos Designações de artigos para editores |
Source: Authors (2020). (Arial, 9, normal)
Presentation of equations and formulas
Equations and formulas should be highlighted in the text to facilitate reading. They should be presented centered, with numbering in Arabic numerals placed in parentheses and aligned to the right. They should be separated from the preceding and succeeding text by an “enter” (Arial, 10, regular).
x2 + y2 = z2 (1)
(x2 + y2) / 5 = n (2)
Presentation of tables
It is important to note that tables present numbers, unlike charts which contain only text. At the top of the table, the word “Table” should appear, followed by the numbering (using Arabic numerals), according to the order of occurrence in the text, and the title, separated by a dash. The word “Table,” the number, and the dash should be in bold.
The body of the table should be in Arial 10, single line spacing, without spacing before and after the paragraph, with alignment to make the content of the table understandable. The left and right sides should not have borders and should be auto-adjusted to the window.
Tabela 1 (Arial, 9, bold) – Abordagem do Tema “Antártica” em livros didáticos (N=14) do Ensino Fundamental adotados por escolas públicas e privadas da região metropolitana do Município do Rio de Janeiro (Arial, 9)
Abordagem |
Sim |
Não |
Aborda ou valoriza iniciativas brasileiras na Ciência Polar? |
- |
14 |
Aborda a importância da Antártica para o clima e ecologia da Terra? |
- |
14 |
Utiliza os polos como exemplos de extremos climáticos? |
11 |
03 |
A obra apresenta capítulo específico sobre o tema? |
- |
14 |
O tema é abordado em outros capítulos? |
11 |
03 |
Apresenta imagem do Continente Antártico? |
11 |
03 |
Source: Adapted from Rodrigues et al. (2013). (Arial, 9, normal)
Final considerations (Arial, 14, bold)
The final considerations should present the conclusions corresponding to the objectives and should follow the same formatting as the text. (Arial, 10, regular)
Acknowledgments gradecimentos (Arial, 14, bold)
Acknowledgments are optional and should follow the same formatting as the text. (Arial, 10, regular)
References (Arial, 14, bold)
References should be presented in alphabetical order, in the same font as the text, left-aligned, single-spaced, and separated by a single blank line (Arial, 10, regular). Examples of references are available at this link.
LAST NAME, First name. Title: subtitle. Local: Name of the Editor, Year. (Arial, 10, normal)
AMARAL, S. M. M. do. União homossexual como direito de família. Migalhas. 2008. DOI: Disponível em:,MI70205,41046- Uniao+homossexual+como+Direito+de+Familia. Acesso em: 27 fev.
BARROS, A. C. B. et al. Uso de computadores no ensino fundamental e médio e seus resultados empíricos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, Porto Alegre, v. 16, n.1, p. 34-43, abr. 2008.
IBGE. Normas de apresentação tabular. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, 1993. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jan. 2018.
KLEIN, A.; VAISSIÈRE, B.; CANE, J. H.; STEFFAN-DEWENTER, I.; CUNNINGHAM, S. A.; KREMEN, C.; TSCHARNTKE, T. Importance of pollinators in changing landscapes for world crops. Proceedings of the Royal Society, v.274, p.303-313, 2007.
REIS, D. R. dos. Gestão da inovação tecnológica. 2. ed. Barueri: Manole, 2008. 206 p.
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Nearly half a million children being vaccinated against diphtheria in Cox’s Bazar. Genebra: WHO, 2018.