
Esteemed Editors,


We are submitting the manuscript entitled (write here the name of the paper to be evaluated), whose authors are (inform here the full name of all authors), to analysis and possible publication.

Paper scientific relevance: (explain briefly the relevance of the work).

The authors state that

  1. the present work is original and has not been published in any other journal regardless of language;
  2. all the authors listed as co-authors of this work are aware of the inclusion of their names in the authorship;
  3. if a part of this work is published published in event annals, the authors fully assign the reproduction rights to this Journal;
  4. if the paper is accepted, the authors agree with the terms of publication of the Journal;
  5. the authors observed the standards and the template adopted by the Journal
  6. the authors have indicated, at least, five potential evaluators to the content of the paper informing their full names and emails. The reviewers must not be affiliated to the same institution of any of the authors.
  1. Suggested Evaluator 1
  2. Suggested Evaluator 2

The main author assumes the responsibility for the agreement in relation to the content and to this presentation letter for the other authors in the moment of submission.

(Complete list with full names of all authors with their emails)