Teacher's personal background

bibliometric analysis of world scientific production





Professor. Teacher. Background. Bibliometry.


This work aims to analyze, map and review scientific publications worldwide on the professor's background. For this, a bibliometric and systematic study was carried out with content analysis of the articles located in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Content analysis provides an in-depth look at each of the articles. Of the articles worked on, the time growth in the interest of publications and indicators from the most productive countries, institutions, authors and journals stands out. The findings of the present research may indicate an overview of what has been published worldwide on the theme of the professor's background.


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Author Biographies

Errol Fernando Zepka Pereira Junior, Leonardo da Vinci University Center - Uniasselvi

Master in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande; MBA in Strategic Business Management from Universidade Norte do Paraná, Perfected in Education Technologies from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais, and Bachelor in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande. He is currently Educational Manager at the Leonardo da Vinci University Center.          

Ketlle Duarte Paes, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG

Post-Doctorate in Business Administration from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, PhD in Business Administration (UFSC), Master in Business Administration (UFSC), Bachelor of Business Administration (ESAG / UDESC). Conducted theoretical training in Iacanian psychoanalysis at the Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis in Santa Catarina - EBPSC - (2013-2015). Adjunct Professor in the administration course at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG). He is a member of the Research Group on Organizational Reality CPGA / UFSC. He is a member of the Research Group on Organization, Work and Participation (NOTeP) at ICEAC / FURG. Currently, he is dedicated to Organizational Studies and Public Administration, working mainly on the following themes: epistemology / ontology and critical perspectives, philosophy, qualitative methodologies, subjectivity and Iacanian psychoanalysis.                    

Nathalia Fehlberg Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG

Student of the Bachelor of Business Administration at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG.          


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How to Cite

Pereira Junior, E. F. Z., Paes, K. D., & Fehlberg Ribeiro, N. (2020). Teacher’s personal background: bibliometric analysis of world scientific production. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 6(3), 278–288. https://doi.org/10.21674/2448-0479.63.278-288

