Sunflower cultivation in the off-season increases protein in silage
Helianthus annuus, sowing seasons , forrage.Abstract
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivation is affected by several soil, climate, and management factors, mainly by the sowing time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the production and brute protein (BP) in silage, grains, and clusters of sunflower stalks in main crop and off-season with cultivars from early and late cycles. Two sowing times were used: October - harvest and January - off-season, with two cultivars, BRS 323 with an early cycle and BRS 422 with a late cycle. The dry mass shoot and roots were evaluated at the full flowering stage, for silage yield and productivity, in addition to the BP in the grains at the stage of harvest maturation. It was observed that the dry mass shoot (1766 kg ha-1), roots (1236 kg ha-1) and grain mass (3225 kg ha-1) did not differ between cultivars and sowing times. In the harvest, the average BP was 11.08% and, in the off-season, 15.62%. It is concluded that sowing in off-season is the most appropriate when seeking to increase BP in sunflower silage, under these conditions.
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